The Ultimate Guide to Noland Plumbing Supply Near You

The Ultimate Guide to Noland Plumbing Supply Near You

As a homeowner or contractor constantly on the lookout for top-notch plumbing fixtures and HVAC parts, I’ve found that Winsupply’s family-owned gem, Noland Plumbing Supply, shines brightly in the industry. Situated for over 25 years in Chesapeake, Virginia, they’re more than just a business; they’re a seasoned squad with a legacy steeped in HVAC and plumbing proficiency. Their acclaim stems not just from their extensive product range but from the tailored experience they provide, including one-on-one design consultations with seasoned experts like Rhonda Lindahl and Cassidy Yuvienco.

My search for the best Winsupply’s Noland plumbing supply near me underscored why their all-encompassing services set them apart. Merging industry acumen with a varied array of plumbing products, they cater to both the casual shopper and the professional realm. From industrial supply near me to cutting-edge plumbing advancements, their partnerships with diverse vendors guarantee a broad selection that meets the unique requirements of any project.

The Comprehensive Services Offered by Noland Plumbing

At Noland Plumbing Supply, I stumbled upon an impressive array of plumbing essentials, ideal for any conceivable project. Here’s a glimpse into their offerings, which include a comprehensive range of Noland supply products and HVAC Equipment:

  • Plumbing SuppliesWhether I require faucets, fittings, valves, or disposals, their inventory is comprehensive. For those unique endeavors, they also supply plumbing specialties, pumps & accessories, regulators, replacement parts, and the essential tools to assemble everything seamlessly.
  • Comprehensive ServicesTheir customer service is exemplary, featuring will-call service that guarantees my orders are prepped for pickup promptly. With scheduled deliveries, my workflow remains uninterrupted, waiting for parts is a thing of the past, and their knack for sourcing elusive items is truly invaluable.
  • Expertise for AllCatering to both residential plumbing and commercial plumbing clients, as well as mechanical pipefitters, their collective 325 years of knowledge assures that I’m receiving expert guidance in selecting the appropriate parts or equipment.

    At Noland Plumbing Supply, it’s not just about selling products; they deliver a full-service experience with competitive pricing and the nimbleness of a small enterprise, ensuring my requirements are met with exceptional satisfaction. Whether I’m a seasoned professional or a DIY aficionado, their extensive inventory, which includes everything from water heaters to air conditioning equipment, and even kitchen appliances, ensures I’m equipped for every plumbing challenge and more. Their dedication to customer delight is clear, with a steadfast commitment to rectifying any service shortfalls.

Why Choose Noland Plumbing?

Opting for Noland Plumbing Supply, a proud Winsupply company, for my plumbing requirements was a choice driven by their exceptional management system and their standing as a beacon of excellence in the plumbing sector.

  1. Experience and Reliability: The company’s operations are guided by a comprehensive management manual, a repository of over half a century’s wisdom from the WinWholesale organization. This extensive expertise underpins their steadfast reliability and proficiency as a win supply entity in the plumbing supply domain.
  2. Comprehensive Support: As an integral part of the Winsupply family, Noland reaps the benefits of comprehensive support services, including nationally negotiated insurance services, centralized computer support, and dedicated professional payroll staff, all contributing to their streamlined operations and exemplary customer service.
  3. Customer-Centric Approach: The Noland Co Credo mirrors their unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. With strategies like the ‘First In, First Out’ inventory management system and the efficient Branch Data System, they prioritize customer needs, ensuring tradesmen receive dependable supply support, allowing me to focus on my work.

    The advantages of selecting Noland Plumbing Supply are evident. Their offering extends beyond a vast array of plumbing products; they also impart invaluable knowledge, competitive pricing, and a robust commitment to customer satisfaction, distinguishing Noland as a premier supplier in the plumbing industry.

Customer Testimonials and Success Stories

In my search for quality plumbing fixtures, my journey led me to Noland Plumbing Supply, where I discovered a community of satisfied patrons echoing my positive experience, as captured in their Customer Stories and reinforced by the winsupply network.

  • Lisa W.’s Experience: Reflecting on customer reviews from 2008, Lisa W. awarded Noland top marks for the quality, value, professionalism, responsiveness, and punctuality of their services. Despite initial scheduling hurdles due to the team’s size, the superior quality of the bathroom fixtures she received affirmed her decision.
  • Clay H.’s Feedback: Clay H.’s 2006 review awarded Noland a perfect 5.0 rating, lauding the exceptional customer service he received. He was particularly impressed with the sales team’s expertise in providing a diverse array of plumbing products for his bathroom renovation project.
  • Community Endorsements: Noland Plumbing Supply, a Winsupply local company, boasts an impressive overall customer satisfaction score of 5 out of 5 based on customer reviews. Despite a technical glitch on the BBB website, testimonials from customers like Jim McFarlane, Jim Reilly, and Geoff Coulton highlight Noland’s reputation as a friendly and dependable provider of plumbing supplies.

    The unwavering commitment of Noland, part of the Winsupply family, to customer satisfaction and service excellence has won them a loyal customer base and glowing testimonials.

Tips for Maintaining Your Plumbing System

Tips for Maintaining Your Plumbing System

Ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system is essential. Here are some effective plumbing system maintenance tips to keep your system running smoothly:

  • Annual Inspections: I’m diligent about conducting a plumbing inspection of my system at least annually. In areas with mature trees, I increase this to twice a year to proactively address any potential root intrusion issues.
  • Leak Checks: Vigilant leak detection is crucial for water conservation; even a minor leak under the sink can squander up to 20 gallons of water daily. Therefore, I’m always on the lookout for any signs of moisture or damage to pipes.
  • Drain Maintenance: To ensure clog prevention, I regularly clear my drains with natural cleaning solutions like baking soda and vinegar, steering clear of chemical drain cleaners to avoid damaging the pipes.
  • Pipe Insulation: Living in a region with harsh winters, I prioritize pipe insulation to shield exposed pipes from the cold, ensuring freeze protection and preventing the risk of them bursting.
  • Water Heater Care: To enhance energy savings, I set my water heater temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, which is both energy-efficient and reduces the risk of scalding. Annual water heater maintenance, including draining to eliminate sediment, is crucial for its efficiency and longevity.
  • Hard Water Solutions: Dealing with hard water challenges, I’m contemplating a water softener installation to prevent the mineral buildup in my pipes and appliances that hard water often causes.
  • Sewer Line Maintenance: To ensure sewer line maintenance, I regularly clear out tree roots using hydrojetting or an auger, which helps avert blockages and sewer backups.
  • Professional Help: For intricate tasks such as repiping or fixing sewer lines, I entrust professional plumbing services. Keeping an emergency plumber’s contact is also prudent for those unexpected plumbing crises.

    Adhering to these plumbing maintenance strategies has enabled me to maintain my plumbing system in pristine condition, leading to significant cost savings by sidestepping needless repairs.

Noland Plumbing’s Contribution to the Community

Noland Plumbing Supply’s commitment to corporate social responsibility shines through their community involvement. My encounters with their initiatives have affirmed their dedication to contributing positively to our community.

  • Local Builders Association: As an active member of the West Branch Susquehanna Builders Association (WBSBA), Noland Plumbing Supply is deeply involved in community-enhancing events and initiatives. Their commitment includes a range of educational programs and scholarships, along with leadership opportunities that are instrumental in fostering industry growth and development.
  • Charitable Contributions: Noland Plumbing Supply’s dedication to philanthropy is evident through its generous contributions to organizations such as the United Way and the American Red Cross. By supporting these groups, they address critical community needs in areas like education, health, and disaster relief, showcasing their role in societal betterment.
  • Community Development: Their partnership with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) stands out as particularly impactful. Noland Plumbing Supply’s collaboration contributes to initiatives focused on affordable housing and economic development, which are foundational for the sustainability of communities. These efforts are part of a broader movement resulting in substantial investments in communities nationwide.

    The engagement of Noland Plumbing Supply with the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce and their support for SkillsUSA underscore their commitment to local business growth and workforce development. Their provision of resources and sponsorships aids in cultivating a skilled workforce, benefiting not just the local community but also fortifying a more resilient society.

How to Get in Touch with Noland Plumbing

How to Get in Touch with Noland Plumbing

For those seeking to connect with Noland Plumbing Supply, there are multiple winsupply locations and accessible contact information to facilitate communication.

  • Manassas, VA: You can visit their store location at 10512 Balls Ford Rd, Manassas, VA 20109, for exceptional customer service and direct interaction with their knowledgeable team.
  • Knoxville, TN: Whether you’re looking to explore their comprehensive showroom at 10330 Dearborn Ln or the specialized space at 7834 Kingston Pike, Noland Plumbing Supply welcomes you. For immediate customer service, contact us today at the main office number (865) 671-4408 or the showroom at (865) 213-7009. Additionally, for fax correspondence, their number is (865) 675-1035.
  • Rockville, MD: The store location for your convenience is situated at 4958 Boiling Brook Pkwy, Rockville, MD, 20852, United States. Should you have any customer inquiries, feel free to give them a call at 301-881-4225 or send an email to address your questions.
  • Chesapeake, VA: Nestled at 663 Woodlake Dr., Chesapeake, VA 23320, their showroom is a hub for design consultations, staffed by seasoned specialists with over a decade of experience. To schedule a visit, you can phone (757) 424-5616 during their business hours, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
  • Charlottesville, VA: Discover the store location at 307 Ridge St Charlottesville, VA 22902, or get in touch with the management contact, Ronald T Fisher, by calling (434) 293-5161 or emailing for personalized assistance. Their fax number is (434) 971-1736.
  • Fredericksburg, VA: For those seeking customer service, the address is 1325 Alum Spring Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. You can request assistance by calling (540) 373-5914 or by sending a fax to (540) 373-5918.

    Take note that Noland Plumbing Supply’s business hours are typically Monday to Friday, from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm, though there may be slight variations depending on the store location. Their customer service team is on standby, ready to help both professionals and DIY enthusiasts with their plumbing supply queries.


Reflecting on the diverse offerings and unparalleled expertise, it’s clear that Noland Plumbing Supply’s dedication to customer satisfaction, comprehensive services, and community involvement is what sets them apart. Their commitment shines through whether you’re tackling a home renovation or a major commercial project, combining a rich legacy with an extensive inventory to deliver solutions that prioritize the customer’s needs.

In an era where efficiency and expertise are highly valued, choosing Noland Plumbing Supply means you’re opting for a seamless customer service experience that also supports community contribution. The dedicated specialists at Noland are always ready to provide expert guidance and support for your plumbing projects. Don’t hesitate to reach out and embark on a journey towards a triumphant endeavor.


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